Dragon Ball's Vegeta & Trunks Potara Is Literally

Over the years, Dragon Ball’s fusions have become a core part of the series’ identity, with many of the recurring fusions such as Gogeta, Vegito, and Gotenks consistently being among the most popular characters of all time. There are, however, several fusions which have only appeared once or twice in the annals of either Dragon Ball Heroes or other video game what-if scenarios. One of these fusions is the godlike, and currently undefeated, Vegeks, a Potara fusion between Xeno Trunks and Vegeta. In chapter 3 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission, Xeno Trunks and Vegeta are sent back to the past in order to investigate disturbances throughout history. The father-son duo end up in the era of the Cell Games, and arrive to find the Z-Fighters completely destroyed by Cell and his new Dark Dragon Ball fusion. At first it seems like Vegeta in just his base form is more than enough to handle Cell, even with his new power, but the Saiyan prince is quickly caught off guard by a hammer-wielding demon named Gravy. With his father knocked unconscious, Trunks believes their only hope is now to use the Potara earrings and fuse, becoming the mighty Vegeks.

Upon appearing, Vegeks easily swats Gravy aside and continues to battle without feeling the need to use any power past his base form. Despite having more than enough power to defeat the newly ascended Demon God Gravy, Vegeks still has trouble with Cell’s newly powered up state: Cell X. After several attempts to fend off both Cell X and Gravy at the same time, Vegeks and Gravy agree to take care of Cell together in order to have a proper fight. Vegeks unleashes his new signature move, the Burning Impact. This new technique appears to be a combination of Vegeta’s Dirty Fireworks and Trunks’ Burning Attack, wherein Vegeks creates a Burning Attack within the opponent, blowing them up from the inside. Vegeks is an interesting character, as he is the only fusion to be created while one fusee was unconscious. He also shares an undefeated record with only one other fusion, that being Gogeta. Vegeks’ personality is also much more in line with that of Trunks, which may be due to Vegeta being knocked out at the time of fusion. Vegeks is also the only fusion who distinctly notes that he doesn’t like the feeling of being fused, but this could again be due to the fact that Vegeta’s consciousness isn’t all there. This could also explain why Vegeks does not turn Super Saiyan as well, as when Trunks and Vegeta unfuse, it’s shown that Vegeta is still only semi- conscious, a factor which may very well have hampered the Potara fusion. Also of note is that despite Xeno Trunks having a sword, this item is nowhere to be seen after the fusion into Vegeks, which may suggest that Potara fusions cannot combine or manifest physical weapons.

Vegeks is undoubtedly one of the most unique fusions in Dragon Ball history. He stands alone as the only official fusion between Vegeta and Trunks in all of Dragon Ball, as well as the only fusion where one participant was unconscious. With the continuation of Super Dragon Ball Heroes in the new Ultra God Mission manga, there is little doubt Vegeks will make his reappearance once again in the near future.


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